Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bought MOT @ 22.31


I snatched 25 more shares of MOT
today to increase my position to 100 shares.

Earnings have been really good for MOT
and yet the stock sold off on lowering margins on the Razr and in emerging markets, bottoming at more than 7% below yesterday's close.

My new average cost is now 21.17, so I'm still sitting on a profit today and hope to benefit to a return to common sense as early as tomorrow. I'll also concede that I've pushed my stakes to 100 shares so as to collect more revenues through dividends and covered calls.

I've been in and out of love with MOT
and still don't really know what to expect, but I have faith in Ed Zander and with dividends, margin of safety thanks to my average cost and covered calls this is not a risky play and should pay for itself in no time.

